What is the tracking number format for FedEx packages?


The tracking number format for FedEx packages typically consists of 12 digits or 15 digits. The 12-digit tracking number format is typically used for domestic shipments and it starts with the letters “96” or “98”, followed by 9 digits, and ending with the letter “W” or “Y”. The 15-digit tracking number format is typically used for international shipments and it starts with the letters “E” or “C”, followed by 12 digits. In some cases, it’s possible that the tracking number format may be different depending on the type of service or package. It’s important to note that tracking numbers can be found on the FedEx label or receipt, and it’s also possible to get it from the sender.

In addition to the 12-digit and 15-digit tracking number format, there are other formats that may be used for certain types of FedEx services. For example, FedEx Ground shipments have a 22-digit tracking number that starts with the letter “9” and contains both letters and numbers. FedEx SameDay shipments have a 12-digit tracking number that starts with the letter “S” and contains only numbers. FedEx SmartPost shipments have a 20-digit tracking number that starts with the letters “92” and contains both letters and numbers.

It is also worth mentioning that FedEx also uses a package identification number, usually called the “master tracking number” which is typically used for shipments that contain multiple packages, such as LTL (Less than Truckload) or consolidated shipments. This number is usually found on the shipping label and is used to identify the entire shipment, rather than just one package within that shipment.

Another important point to consider is that FedEx tracking numbers are not case-sensitive, meaning that the tracking number will work regardless of whether it’s entered in uppercase or lowercase letters. However, it’s important to make sure that the tracking number is entered correctly, without any spaces or special characters, as this can cause issues when trying to track a package.

It’s important to double-check the tracking number format in case of any issues and to always refer to the label or receipt to confirm the tracking number. If you have any doubts or issues, you can contact FedEx customer service for assistance.

Related article: FedEx Tracking


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